Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bombs Away

If you back away they only come closer.
I'm not going to take all these things into consideration.
For once I’m going to act on impulse.
Heavy books make heavy eyelids
At my age I'm not supposed to have these lines.
But I do.
And like my mother ill take pride in them.
Growing up fast wasn't so bad I guess.
At least the hardest part is over.
It still brings me to tears.
Thread won't hold the seams forever.
You know the feeling when you’re about to get sick?
That first wave of discomfort, that feeling that's so familiar that you are able to diagnose yourself.
It's like that,
But with no hopes of a remedy.
It's feeling sick but in all the places you've never felt sick before.
But enough about that,
It's not going to bring him back.
I get it. I get it. He's gone.
Enough is enough.
But If this building were to collapse at least I know I've got someone to meet me at the gate.
Everyone runs around like the sky is falling ignoring the fact that one day it really will. So live while you can.
There will be plenty of reasons to worry later.
I am definitely my mother’s daughter.
And proud to be at that.
Sometimes it seems she's all I've got.
It scares the hell out of me.
With dry cheeks I can lie.
But with wet ones it's a dead give away.
So I'll just carry around a handkerchief.
No one will ever know.

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